Gordon Ramsay 瘋味之旅 3
大廚Gordon Ramsay到了芬蘭北部的納蘭地區,在這午夜太陽之地探索美食秘密。正值盛夏,Ramsay到這裡的沼澤區踢足球、在河中激流划艇、以傳統方式捕魚、更在桑拿小屋裡煮食。他採集了樹木焦油及蟻尿,又在沼澤採摘食材後,就到河邊與米芝蓮名廚Kim Mikkola一較高下,一同預備一頓盛宴。
粵語/英語 (電視版)
2025年2月18日 星期二晚,10時30分
Chef Ramsay explores the land of the midnight sun and the sprawling wetlands of Lapland in Northern Finland, at the height of summer to learn its culinary secrets. He plays swamp football, navigates fierce rapids in a raft, fishes for white fish and cooks in a sauna. After sampling tar and ant’s urine and foraging in swamps, he goes head to head against Michelin rated chef, Kim Mikkola, to prepare a riverside feast
Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
(First run)
2025.2.18 TUE 10:30pm