Gordon Ramsay 瘋味之旅 3
大廚 Gordon Ramsay到了有「龍蝦之都」美譽的美國緬因州探索,夥同兩位龍蝦女捕手在顛簸的海上誘捕、潛水收集養殖的海蜆生蠔、在冰凍海水中採摘海藻,更親自測試自己的斬柴功力。在下了一番苦功後,他能否擊倒曾兩度贏取「詹姆斯比爾基金會廚師奬」的當地名廚Melissa Kelly?又是否會獲認可為頑強的緬因州人呢?
粵語/英語 (電視版)
2024年12月31日 星期二晚,10時30分
Chef Ramsay discovers why Maine, United States, is called the ‘lobster capital of the world’. Along the rugged coastline, he struggles to keep up with a team of lobster fisherwomen, dives for clams, harvests oysters, forages in freezing waters, and tests his lumberjack skills. Can he earn the status of a tough Mainer as he tests his culinary skills against local legend, chef Melissa Kelly, a two time James Beard award-winner?
Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
(First run)
2024.12.31 TUE 10:30pm