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Hong Kong Stories: Connected with Hong Kong
Hong Kong Stories: Connected with Hong Kong
Ajmal studied in a military school and planned to become a pilot. But life is full of twists and turns. Ajmal Samuel was a lieutenant in the Pakistani army when his vehicle fell off from the Kashmir mountains. The 21-year-old was left paraplegic. Settling down in Germany for convalescence, he came to Hong Kong to visit his parents. He was fascinated by the city and decided to stay. Despite his physical limits, he has taken on challenge after challenge. Discrimination was commonplace in Hong Kong in the 1990s. Despite obstacles and failures in his job search, he did not give up nor feel sorry for himself. Rather, he started out by repairing computers for foreigners, and then went on to work for a company in Silicon Valley. Later he started his own business that supports online trading, making a name for himself. Along with his success in business is the physical pain which has never ceased since his injuries. To eliminate the side effects of morphine, Ajmal exercises to stimulate his body to release endorphin as painkiller. With invincible will, he stopped the medication naturally. His perseverance even leads him to represent Hong Kong as a para-athlete, taking part in many rowing events and winning in the Asian Games and other international competitions. Ajmal also cares for the rights of other persons with disabilities. He hand-cycled in long-distance journeys to raise funds. He also founded an advocacy group with his friends to share his belief in equality with the business community and voice for the disabled. The wheelchair-bound Ajmal didn’t give up his dream in flying. This summer, he is taking on a new challenge. What will this warrior of life have in store for him?
Dream Chasers
Dream Chasers
“Without discipline I think everything will fall apart.” - Ted Kwan Ted is a co-founder of a social enterprise. He will share an inspiring story about his dream and his pursuit of societal betterment in his hometown of Hong Kong. Despite his father's bankruptcy during Ted's early years, his family endured years of debt without losing hope. This experience shaped Ted's perspective, leading him to believe that impoverished families can still find happiness if given the opportunity to rise and become self-sufficient. Fifteen years ago, Ted dedicated his after-work hours to pursue his passion. He invested in a social enterprise focused on assisting marginalized and ex-offender youth, helping them reintegrate into society. This marked the first step toward his dream of uplifting disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong. Ted's ultimate goal is to inspire Hong Kong citizens to support social enterprises. By encouraging consumption from these enterprises, funds are directed towards employing marginalized individuals, while customers also benefit from the goods and services offered. Over the years, Ted's initiative has evolved into a social enterprise platform, bringing his dream closer to becoming a reality. Ted's journey is an ongoing one, but his unwavering dedication and the growth of the social enterprise platform demonstrate that his vision is gradually being fulfilled. He continues to work tirelessly to create positive change and empower the less fortunate in Hong Kong.
Science: Creating the Future
Science: Creating the Future
“Our knowledge has to be enhanced from generation to generation, and I have the responsibility to pass on my knowledge to the next generation.” Being referred to as the “ghost particles”, neutrinos are one of the elementary particles of the Universe. The sun and stars rely on them for emission of light and heat. Unveiling their mysteries may facilitate our understanding of the origin and evolution of the Universe. When studying in the university, IAS Paul CW Chu Professor Kam-Biu LUK of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) was curious about the particle physics phenomenon. In the 1990s, in view of a study proposed by Japan to prove the authenticity of neutrino oscillations through the generation of a large amount of anti-neutrinos by all nuclear power plants, Professor LUK decided to focus on the study of neutrino physics. In 2012, Professor LUK and his international partners discovered the third pattern of neutrino oscillation for the first time in the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station. This experiment indicates that neutrinos may violate a combined Charge-Conjugation and Parity (CP) symmetry, and explains the possibility of having the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. The breakthrough proves that neutrinos may violate a combined CP symmetry, thereby providing a new direction for studying why there is more matter than antimatter in the Universe. In addition, Professor LUK received many international awards in scientific research for this achievement, including the Panofsky Prize of American Physical Society, the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, the High Energy and Particle Physics Prize of European Physical Society, as well as the 2019 Future Science Prize – Physics Prize. Nevertheless, Professor LUK was humble and did not take the credit. He said, “In fact, such a large-scale experiment required the joint support and contributions from staff members possessing many different skills, so the award should belong to everyone.” Neutrinos exist everywhere and Professor LUK’s inspiration for scientific research comes from everything in the Universe. In particular, he thinks that the nature remains to be full of mysteries. In his dialogue with the young scientist, Adrian Hoi-chun PO (HKUST’s Hari Harilela Assistant Professor of Physics), Professor LUK said, “In doing experiments, I would encourage students to explore by themselves, and I usually gave them much freedom.” Spending most of his life in scientific research, Professor LUK attaches great importance to nurturing the next generation, and is passionate about research teaching. He hopes to spend more time in understanding the thinking, strengths and weaknesses of today’s young generation, so as to provide appropriate training for them to achieve inheritance.


Concert on 4 四台音樂會
Concert on 4 四台音樂會
2024 Hong Kong International Music Education Symposium: Finale Concert Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School Chinese Music Ensemble Diocesan Boys’ School and Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division Saxophone Quartet Eve Lung (harp) Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Primary School Choir La Salle College Concert Band The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Academy Symphony Orchestra Joint Schools Orchestra and Choir Northwestern China Folk Song Flowers and Youngsters   (5’) Mikio GOHMA Saxophone Quartet   (5’) FAURÉ Une châtelaine en sa tour, Op.110   (5’) NG Cheuk-yin  A Tale from the Magical Beanland   (8’) James BARNES Golden Festival Overture   (8’) LALO Symphonie espagnole, Op. 21, first movement: Allegro non troppo   (8’) ROSSINI Overture from The Barber of Seville   (8’) QIN Yongcheng My Motherland and I   (4’) Presented by the Education Bureau Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 5/10/2024 2024香港國際音樂教育研討會:閉幕音樂會 荃灣官立中學中樂合奏團 拔萃男書院及拔萃男書院附屬小學薩克管四重奏 龍頤(豎琴) 保良局香港道教聯合會圓玄小學合唱團 喇沙書院管樂團 香港演藝學院演藝交響樂團 聯合樂團及合唱團 西北民歌 《花兒與少年》   (5’) 郷間幹男 薩克管四重奏   (5’) 佛瑞 《塔裏的公主》,作品110   (5’) 伍卓賢 《豆芽國》   (8’) 巴納斯 《金色節日序曲》   (8’) 拉羅 《西班牙交響曲》,作品21,第一樂章:從容的快板   (8’) 羅西尼 〈序曲〉,選自《西維利亞理髮師》   (8’) 秦詠誠 《我和我的祖國》   (4’) 教育局主辦 2024年10月5日香港文化中心音樂廳錄音
#Hashtag Hong Kong
#Hashtag Hong Kong
On this week’s Hashtag Hong Kong, we are joined by Dr. Yvonne Tsang, Member of Advisory Council from Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation to talk about breast cancer. ---- Good morning. Today, I want to talk about a very important health issue that affects many women in Hong Kong. It’s breast cancer. I know it’s not an easy topic to talk about, but it’s crucial. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in our city, and the numbers are indeed pretty alarming. In 2021, over 5,500 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s a staggering increase—five times more than in 1991. This means that one in every 13 women in Hong Kong will face invasive breast cancer in their lifetime, with an average of 15 women dying from the disease every week. The median age for breast cancer patients in Hong Kong is 58, which is younger than in places like the U.S. and Australia. This affects many women in their prime, leading to emotional and financial struggles. Notably, over 94% of breast cancer patients are over 40, and the risk increases as we get older. Now, let’s talk about the risk factors. The Hong Kong Breast Cancer Registry has identified ten high-risk factors, including: Positive family history, early menstruation late first childbirth and no breast feeding. These factors are in some ways beyond our control, but there are some risk factors that we can manage and reverse such as being overweight, lack of exercise, and a meat-heavy diet, use of alcohol, hormonal therapies and high stress levels. For symptoms of breast cancer, I have to emphasize that many a time early breast cancer does not give you any symptoms. However, some common symptoms to watch for are: Painless lumps in the breast or in armpit, discharge from nipple, nipple retraction and changes in skin like orange peel. So, how can we catch breast cancer early? Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation recommends that women over 40 follow a three-step routine: 1.⁠ ⁠Monthly self-exams 2.⁠ ⁠Clinical check-ups every two years 3.⁠ ⁠Mammograms every two years It’s all about staying proactive! We cannot control whether we will get sick or not, but what we can do is if it really happens, we catch it early and we keep our bodies fit to fight against it. While personal actions are vital, systemic support is also essential. Countries like the UK and United States and places in Asia such as South Korea and Taiwan have population screening programs, Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation is advocating for a similar rollout in Hong Kong. We are pleased to see that the government launched a Breast Cancer Screening Pilot Programme in 2021, but more needs to be done. Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation supports the “Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address”, which aims to develop risk-based screening programs for prevalent cancers. We hope the government will commence phase 2 of the Breast Cancer Screening Pilot Programme soon to provide screening for high-risk women. We believe population screening can reduce cancer diagnoses at late stages and lower death rates. To conclude, breast cancer is a major health concern for women in Hong Kong. Early detection saves lives, and regular screening is crucial. Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation offers breast screening services, cancer support services and educational talks and research on breast health. Now, I would like to dedicate the song “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson to all of you for listening. Let’s all stay informed, prioritize our health, raise awareness and support those affected by breast cancer. Fight against breast cancer, for a better place, a better Hong Kong.






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