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    CIBS Programme: Voices from Hong Kong (聽。我們一齊港(講))




    我們是香港公開大學LiPACE的學生,分別來自香港的少數族裔群體,中國內地不同省份,以及香港本地。通過共同主持電台節目, 分享交流各自的文化 。

    Produced by The Open University of Hong Kong 

    We are a group of students at OUHK LiPACE from different cultures and backgrounds: some of us are Ethnic Minorities living in Hong Kong; some of us are from different provinces in mainland China; some of us are local folks of Hong Kong. We cohost together in this programme to exchange and share different cultures.

    *廣播語言 Broadcast Language: 英語 English