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    Presenters:Maggie 黃蔚兒、譚永暉


    Bonjour! 趁著巴黎奧運年推出的新一輯法語篇,透過多位法國人物 — 顧拜旦、路易十四、伏爾泰、孟德斯鳩、艾菲爾、莫奈、聖修伯里等,一起輕鬆學習法文,感受浪漫文化。




    網上直播完畢稍後提供節目重溫。 Archive will be available after live webcast

    François Auguste René Rodin - 弗朗索瓦.奧古斯特.雷尼.羅丹

    L'école spéciale de dessin et de mathématiques (Petite École) - 繪畫和數學專業學院

    L'école des Beaux-Arts - 巴黎美術學院

    Le Penseur - 沉思者 (羅丹作品)

    Le Baiser - 吻 (羅丹作品)

    L'âge d'Airin - 青銅時代 (羅丹作品)

    Le Musée Rodin - 羅丹美術館

    La sculpture - 雕塑

    Honoré de Balzac - 巴爾扎克

    La Comédie Humaine - 人間喜劇 (巴爾扎克作品)

    Le Triomphe de la République - 共和國的勝利

    Le coq gaulois - 高盧雄雞


    法語中動詞會根據不同時態以及人物作出相對應變化。以動詞”to be”為例,有以下的變化︰

    我是 Je suis

    你是 Tu es

    他是 Il est

    她是 Elle est

    我們是 Nous sommes

    你們是 (亦解您是) Vous êtes

    他們是 Ils sont

    她們是 Elles sont


    04 - 06
    RTHK Radio 2

    英語篇 #15 中秋節的應節用語

    Presenters:Maggie 黃蔚兒、譚永暉


    Can be called the “Moon Festival”, “Mid-Autumn Festival” or “Mooncake Festival”


    Why do we celebrate the Moon Festival?

    ●       Ancient Chinese emperors worshiped the moon in autumn to thank it for the harvest 收穫;收成 . Ordinary people 普通人 took the Mid-Autumn Festival to be a celebration of their hard work and harvests. Nowadays, people mainly celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival as a time for family reunions 團聚.



    ●       At Mid-Autumn Festival OR On Mid-Autumn Festival

    ●       This is very debatable ​​有爭議的

    ●       At Christmas / On Christmas Day


    What are moon cakes made of?

    ●       Traditional mooncakes feature base fillings of red lotus paste 蓮蓉, white lotus paste 白蓮蓉 or red bean paste紅豆蓉, with 0-4 salted duck egg yolks 咸蛋黄 embedded within.

    ●       They are high in cholesterol 膽固醇


    Mooncakes are mainly round to represent the full moon. In Chinese culture, roundness symbolizes 象徵 completeness and togetherness.

    ●       Chinese sayings:

    -          人月兩團圓 - (意譯) The reunion of people and the moon.

    -          團團圓圓 - The unity of the family.


    ●       In English, we may simply say:

    -          Happy reunion!

    -          Happy gathering!


    Speaking of roundness, I’ve noticed that it is quite hard to buy big, round dining tables in the U.S. But it is easy to buy them in Hong Kong.


    ●       In the U.S., families always have long tables. The head of the family takes the head seat. You pass the food around and scoop 舀 the food onto your own plate.


    ●       When I went to restaurants in the U.S., it felt a little odd 奇怪 when I told the server that I was going to share the food with whoever I was dining with.


    ●       But in Hong Kong, we share everything. I like the turntable 轉盤 in the middle.


    ●       Because of the pandemic, we are now used to using 公筷. How would you say them in English? Public chopsticks? Serving spoon/ chopsticks.


    Other food that we eat at Mid-Autumn Festival

    ●       柚子 Is it called “grapefruit?” / Pomelo

    -          I remember I used to wear the skin as a hat.

    -          Thai pomelo salad


    ●       湯圓 People may translate this as “rice dumpling” but it actually means 粽子/  Glutinous rice ball

    ●       芋頭 Taro

    RTHK Radio 2

    11/09/2022 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:04 - 20:35)