



    主持人:Janice Wong and Jenny Lam

    Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's week-daily current affairs discussion programme, with expert panels and listener participation. It airs every Monday to Friday from 9.05am - 10am (HKT).
    Have your say by calling us on 233 88 266, find us on Facebook - Backchat on RTHK Radio 3, or email backchat@rthk.hk  

    Listen live on Radio 3's homepage - www.rthk.hk/radio/radio3

    The Backchat podcast is available after each live broadcast



    Global Focus look at US Presidential election/ Green groups concerns about the government’s plans for South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor.

    On Friday's Backchat, Global Focus look at the latest developments in the US Presidential election following President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race.

    Has Vice President Kamala Harris entry into the race given the Democrats’ a better chance of success? Or is former President Donald Trump still the odds-on favourite? And from China to Ukraine, where does Kamala Harris stand on foreign policy, and what implications would she have for this part of the world? 

    Later in the programme, we hear from local green groups about their concerns about the government’s plans for a South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor.

    26/07/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 09:05 - 10:00)

    26/07/2024 - : Latest developments in the US Presidential election

    26/07/2024 - Green groups concerns about the government’s South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor’s plan



    Hong Kong's role in China's space program / Climate action: discussion UNHCR's Andrew Harper

    主持人:Janice Wong and Jenny Lam

    On Wednesday’s Backchat, we're talking about China's space program.

    The Shenzhou-16 spacecraft has successfully returned to Earth on Tuesday after a five month mission aboard the Tiangong space station.
    During their time in space, the three member crew, which involved the first civilian astronaut, carried out a total of 70 scientific experiments. This includes successfully cultivating fresh vegetables in the Tiangong space station.
    They also carried out a near eight-hour long space walk, delivered a live, interactive lecture, which notably involved lighting a match in the space station.
    What is the significance of this latest space mission that’s been described as a “complete success”? What role can Hong Kong play in the mainland’s space development?
    After 9:40, we discuss climate change with a senior representative from the United Nations

    9:05am-9:40am: Hong Kong's role in China's space program

    9:05am-9:40am: Gregg Li, Executive Director and President, Orion Astroproneur Space Academy

    9:05am-9:40am: Prof. Quentin Parker,  Director of the Laboratory for Space Research, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong

    9:40am-10:00am: Climate action: discussion UNHCR's Andrew Harper

    9:40am-10:00am: Andrew Harper, Special Advisor on Climate Action, The United Nations Refugee Agency 


    01/11/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 09:05 - 10:00)

    01/11/2023 - Hong Kong's role in China's space program

    01/11/2023 - Climate action: discussion with UNHCR's Andrew Harper