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    Presenters:Danny Gittings and Ada Wong

    Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's week-daily current affairs discussion programme, with expert panels and listener participation. It airs every Monday to Friday from 9.05am - 10am (HKT).
    Have your say by calling us on 233 88 266, find us on Facebook - Backchat on RTHK Radio 3, or email  

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    The Backchat podcast is available after each live broadcast



    Global Focus look at US Presidential election/ Green groups concerns about the government’s plans for South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor.

    On Friday's Backchat, Global Focus look at the latest developments in the US Presidential election following President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race.

    Has Vice President Kamala Harris entry into the race given the Democrats’ a better chance of success? Or is former President Donald Trump still the odds-on favourite? And from China to Ukraine, where does Kamala Harris stand on foreign policy, and what implications would she have for this part of the world? 

    Later in the programme, we hear from local green groups about their concerns about the government’s plans for a South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor.

    26/07/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 09:05 - 10:00)

    26/07/2024 - : Latest developments in the US Presidential election

    26/07/2024 - Green groups concerns about the government’s South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor’s plan


    RTHK Radio 3

    Dog meat eating / Oxfam Trailwalker 2023

    Presenters:Danny Gittings and Ada Wong

    On Tuesday's Backchat, we're talking about eating dog meat after an online advert purporting to offer canine delicacies sparked a furious response from thousands of internet users.

    The ad turned out to be a scam that duped potential dog meat purchasers out of more than HK$1 million. But its thrown the spotlight back on eating habits which—despite being banned in Hong Kong for more than 70 years—continue to see some people crave having "human's best friend" on their plate.

    And its not just dog meat which is sometimes still on the menu. Its only seven months since a Yau Ma Tei store owner was jailed for illegally selling feline meat.

    So just how big is the demand for illicit animal meat in Hong Kong? And is the tide finally beginning to turn with neighbouring Shenzhen—as well as Zhuhai—now banning the consumption of dog and cat meat, while South Korea this week announced plans to move in the same direction as well?

    After 9:45, we talk with the organisers of Oxfam Trailwalker 2023, which will start on Friday.

    9:05am-9:45am: Dog meat eating

    9:05-9:30am: Sally Andersen, Founder of Hong Kong Dog Rescue

    9:05am-9:40am: Fiona Woodhouse, Deputy Director (Welfare), SPCA

    9:05am-9:45am Adena Lavin, Member, HK Animal Law & Protection Organisation

    9:30am-9:45am: Alex Jensen, Seoul-based journalist and broadcaster

    9:45am-10:00am:Oxfam Trailwalker 2023

    9:45am-10:00am: Michael Wong, Director of Fundraising and Communications, Oxfam Hong Kong

    RTHK Radio 3

    21/11/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 09:05 - 10:00)