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Brunch with Noreen

    Brunch with Noreen



    Presenter:Noreen Mir

    Brunch with Noreen is packed full of radio goodness. We've got human interest stories, social issues, wellness, the latest on what’s happening around Hong Kong, and plenty of your favourite music.



    Nathan Solia - Choosing the right playlists for our workouts / Kay McArdle - Providing free legal access to marginalised communities

    Welcome to Friday's Brunch with Noreen. At 10.10 we're chatting with fitness coach Nathan Solia about choosing the right playlists for our workouts. After 11.10, we're chatting with Kay McArdle, the Director & Founding Member of Equal Justice, about providing free legal access to marginalised communities. Do get in touch with your song requests and comments on Facebook.

    Weekdays 10:05am -12pm... on Radio 3

    14/03/2025 - 足本 Full (HKT 10:05 - 12:00)

    第一部份 Part 1 (HKT 10:05 - 11:00)

    第二部份 Part 2 (HKT 11:05 - 12:00)

    14/03/2025 - Nathan Solia - Choosing the right playlists for our workouts

    14/03/2025 - Kay McArdle - Providing free legal access to marginalised communities


    RTHK Radio 3

    Trash Talk : Tze Ni Yeoh and Catrina Kwok - Recyclable toothpase programme / Saadia Usmani - power of healing with sad songs.

    Presenter:Noreen Mir

    It's Monday's Brunch with Noreen, and we start with Trash Talk at 10.10. This week, Marcy Trent Long speaks to Colgate Palmolive’s Packaging Sustainability Innovation Manager Tze Ni Yeoh and HK Team Leader Catrina Kwok about their new recyclable toothpaste tube and recycling program. At 11.10, we're joined by Saadia Usmani for this week's 'Chinwag'. Today we're talking about the power of healing with sad songs. Do get in touch with your song requests and comments on Facebook.

    RTHK Radio 3

    20/01/2025 - 足本 Full (HKT 10:05 - 12:00)

    第一部份 Part 1 (HKT 10:05 - 11:00)

    第二部份 Part 2 (HKT 11:05 - 12:00)

    20/01/2025 - Trash Talk : Tze Ni Yeoh and Catrina Kwok - Recyclable toothpase programme

    20/01/2025 - Saadia Usmani - power of healing with sad songs