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    In the Common Room



    Presenter:Alyson Hau

    Every weekday after the 9pm news, Join Alyson Hau In the Common Room for the latest ‘BackStage’ celebrity interviews and hottest trending topics, intriguing discussions with students in ‘Open Space’, and know all about the trending hot topics in 'Hashtag This'. Also, get inspired by guests with alternative career choices and unconventional life stories in ‘Off Campus’. And, you can learn more about sustainability and environmental issues every week in ‘SportsFix’ and ‘Savvy Earth Savers’.

    Follow us on 
    Facebook: @commonroomradio3
    IG: @commonroomradio



    BackStage - Daredevil: Born Again

    What's on today in the Common Room? 

    In our last episode, we saw our host, Michelle, get abducted by aliens! Did she manage to communicate with the alien? Will she get back to earth safely? Join us now for another episode of “Power Up Your English”! Tonight we will also explore: What is a Solar system? The Sun Mercury and Venus Vocabulary around the Solar System-Part 1 
    Off Campus - Jordy van Massenhove @ Hong Kong International Horse Show (Showjumper) (Belgium) 
    Hashtag This - #GirlScouts with Alyson 
    BackStage - Daredevil: Born Again 

    12/03/2025 - 足本 Full (HKT 21:05 - 22:00)



    BackStage - Girls State

    Presenter:Alyson Hau

    What's on today in the Common Room?

    Open Space with Alyson - We Write We Sing Music Competition awardees
    Off Campus with Alex Barder - Beast Media Group
    Hashtag This - #InternationalHappinessAtWorkWeek with Alyson
    BackStage - Girls State

    RTHK Radio 3

    26/09/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 21:05 - 22:00)