

    Mind Matters



    主持人:Carol Mang

    Every week, all around Hong Kong, there are many fascinating talks and lectures happening, on a variety of topics. You can easily find them online by looking at the websites of our universities, societies, and libraries. We've chosen ten for you to listen to here on Radio 3. For the next few Sunday mornings, starting Sunday 9th July at 7.30am, Carol Mang will be introducing abridged versions of what we think are a great selection of talks for you to listen to, and indulge your... Mind Matters

    Sunday mornings at 7.30... on Radio 3



    Professor Jay Winter - Escaping the Holocaust: The Mir Yeshiva from Vilna to Shanghai and beyond

    In this week's episode, we will be talking about World War II, when the Nazis wiped out the world of Jewish scholarship centred in ‘Yeshivot’ in Europe. But one academy survived intact. Professor Jay Winter from Yale University tells the story of how one Yeshiva escaped to China, keeping alive a way of life almost entirely extinguished elsewhere. Professor Winter was invited by the University of Hong Kong to give a talk entitled “Escaping the Holocaust: The Mir Yeshiva from Vilna to Shanghai and beyond''.

    30/06/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 07:30 - 08:00)


    04 - 06

    Professor Marina Bondi - Museum discourse: Websites for Future Citizens, City University of Hong Kong

    主持人:Carol Mang

    In this week's episode, we will talk about how museum websites use their affordances to engage the younger generations in different educational activities. Professor Marina Bondi from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy will present to us how special attention is paid to the pathways designed to guide visitors in their understanding and to textualizing processes favouring audience engagement and construction, with a view to the challenges and opportunities of digital communication. Professor Bondi was invited by the Digital Society Research Cluster of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the Department of English at the City University of Hong Kong to give a talk entitled “Museum discourse: Websites for Future Citizens”.


    19/05/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 07:30 - 08:00)