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    Mind Matters



    Presenter:Carol Mang

    Every week, all around Hong Kong, there are many fascinating talks and lectures happening, on a variety of topics. You can easily find them online by looking at the websites of our universities, societies, and libraries. We've chosen ten for you to listen to here on Radio 3. For the next few Sunday mornings, starting Sunday 9th July at 7.30am, Carol Mang will be introducing abridged versions of what we think are a great selection of talks for you to listen to, and indulge your... Mind Matters

    Sunday mornings at 7.30... on Radio 3



    Professor Christopher Tang - Managing Supply Chains in the ESG Era

    In this week's episode, we will be talking about ESG and supply chain management. ESG advancements were made primarily in the EU and the US, but there were concerns that other nations, particularly emerging markets, could be left at a disadvantage. Professor Christopher Tang from University of California, Los Angeles and his coauthors have discovered that some businesses may have shifted their emissions to their suppliers under the pressure of reporting. Professor Tang was invited by the Asia Global Institute to give a talk entitled “Managing Supply Chains in the ESG Era''.

    14/07/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 07:30 - 08:00)


    05 - 07
    RTHK Radio 3

    Professor Paola Catenaccio - Evolving discourse of urban regeneration and the road to sustainability, City University of Hong Kong

    Presenter:Carol Mang

    In this week's episode, we will talk about urban sustainability discourses in linguistics. Professor Paola Catenaccio from the University of Milan will tell us more on the discursively mediated nature of sustainability projects and argues for an enhanced focus on language and communication in sustainability planning. Included in the Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile organized by the ASVIS, Profssor Catenaccio was invited by the Department of English of the City University of Hong Kong with the support of Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong to give a talk entitled “Evolving discourse of urban regeneration and the road to sustainability: a linguistic approach”.

    RTHK Radio 3

    02/06/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 07:30 - 08:00)