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A fast moving and topical business and finance show.

    Money Talk



    Presenter:James Ross

    A fast moving and topical business and finance show bringing you breaking business and economic news and financial market updates. Join our team and their expert guests for analysis and discussion on the day's top business stories live every weekday morning 8.05am to 9am (HKT) on RTHK Radio 3. 
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    26/12/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 08:10 - 09:00)



    Money Talk

    Presenter:James Ross

    RTHK Radio 3

    18/07/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 08:03 - 09:00)

    18/07/2024 - Business and Market Discussion

    Ben Emons, Chief Investment Officer and Founder, Fed Watch Advisors, tells Andrew Work we are getting closer and closer to a Fed rate cut, explaining why we are seeing a rotation into smaller caps. Enzio Von Pfeil, a capital preservation specialist at Financial Shield, says the US will have a problem with trying to bring chip production back home as it doesn’t have the skilled workers it needs.

    18/07/2024 - Your Money

    Carolyn Wright speaks to Kai Tang, Head of Hong Kong, Adyen, on how social media is driving consumer choices.

    18/07/2024 - View from the APAC Region

    Albert Park, Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank, says the economic outlook for the region is looking resilient, highlighting how India could see growth of over seven percent over the next year, with strong investment and the country’s young demographic being key factors.