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    The Close



    A natural companion to Money Talk, The Close will wrap the day’s market action, delving into what you need to know about the economy and investment planning. Join the team and their expert guests to get the very latest on the day's top business stories, as well as looking at how your lifestyle can affect your wallet and more, every weekday afternoon 5.05pm to 6pm (HKT) on RTHK Radio 3.

    Find us on Facebook, on Twitter @TheCloseRTHKR3.



    17/07/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 17:05 - 18:00)

    17/07/2024 - Business and Market Discussion

    Peter Guy, our resident financial expert and Kelvin Wong, who is Senior Market Analyst at OANDA, expects some form of policy modifications from China’s third plenum meeting to boost consumer spending and to kick start the country’s economy.

    17/07/2024 - Deep dive: AI and Tech

    Plus Enzio von Pfeil, a capital preservation specialist at Financial Shield, joins Peter to take a deep dive into how technology and AI specifically could change all of our lives.

    17/07/2024 - Discussing money when you're in a relationship

    Paul Gordon, Head of Financial Wellbeing at Aon, continues his deep dive into financial wellbeing, discussing how we should talk more about money within relationships.


    RTHK Radio 3

    The Close

    RTHK Radio 3

    24/06/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 17:05 - 18:00)

    24/06/2024 - Business and Market Discussion

    David Roche, President and Global Strategist at Independent Strategy and Olivier D'Assier, Head of Applied Research, APAC at SimCorp, thinks that China is going through a lot of domestic and internal issues, one of which is the mismatch in jobs for graduates.

    24/06/2024 - Startup spotlight

    Jenny Ortiz-Bolivar will continue her series on startups speaking with Renz Chong, the CEO of BreederDao, which specializes in crafting NFT characters and game items to be used in play-to-earn games.

    24/06/2024 - Jonathan Mui - Moongate

    Jonathan Mui, co-Founder of Moongate told Jeff Cheung more about his career journey in NFTs and more about his business.