Today on The Brew we cry "Help! the Skype is falling"... well, it's fallen, according to biz futurist Morris Miselowski. Yes, Skype had 21 years before irrelevance caught up with it. All it seemed to take was a nasty bug, and 'zooooom', off it went. But why? Join Morris for more at 12:10. At 12:40 Jarrod Watt brings you this week's Aussie stuff with his usual awesome soundtrack. Then, at 1:25 Dr. Merrin Pearse is with us, live from New Zealand. Today we welcome back Dr. Benoit Guénard, Director of the Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum, to talk about how most conservation funds go to large charismatic animals at the expense of 'neglected’ species. Join us on Facebook live for this chat.
ALSO... We're giving away more LIV GOLF tickets today. All you have to do is answer the easiest of golf questions. There will be a draw at the end of the programme... and off you go. You'll need to email your answer, along with your contact number to
Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3