It’s wet and it’s Wednesday. Welcome to The Brew. At 12:40, Philippe Dova from RTL France will be with us live from Vietnam. Today, he’s very excited to tell you all about a new spectacular stage version of the classic French novella 'The Little Prince', which opens tonight at The Coliseum in London. At 1:25, all the way from Bangkok, Paul Archibald brings you another top drawer ‘classical’ music day. We’ve been doing this for quite a while now and have almost stepped around talking about Mozart (or so it may seem). Well, today his time has come. As you will know he died very young at the age of 35, but what was he doing musically in those final years? We'll have a look at, and listen to, bits of his last symphonies, in all their brilliance.
Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3