Presenter:Phil Whelan
Welcome to Friday on The Brew. Marshy Movie Time will be doing its thing at 12:10 today, as James brings you more tales of his week on the couch. Do join him on Facebook live if you can. Danny Hicks is still away, and he'll be back with you in January for more 'Sports and All'. Tim Huxley joins us again today for a pre-Christmas bruum bruum at 1:25.
Presenter:Phil Whelan
Welcome to Wednesday on The Brew. Our wonderful NYC correspondent, Tracy Quan, will be with you at 12.10 to talk about some more interesting angles that we may not have thought of in relation (of course) to "the trial", and the words being used to describe one particular element of it. At 12.40 we're off to Tokyo to catch up with RTL France's man-in-Japan, Philippe Dova. And... it's 'classical' music day. So, at 1.25, Paul Archibald will be with us to introduce some more incredible music. Today, we'll meet The Five, or a they were also known 'The Mighty Handful'. All will be revealed. Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3