主持人:Phil Whelan
Happy Wednesday. Welcome to The Brew. The news just in is that Philippe Dova is tied up last minute, so he'll be back next Wednesday at his regular time. We will, however, be finding out all about the world's oldest orchestra, which dates back to the 1740s. That's before Mozart was born, and just before the actual 'classical' period in music history kicked in. Crazy! At 1:25, Paul Archibald will tell you a lot more, and play some amazing recordings by... the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra from Germany, as it's 'classical' music day once again.
主持人:Phil Whelan
Happy Wednesday and welcome to The Brew. Today at 12:10 we ask; "how are Republicans responding to the success of the DNC?". Tracy Quan will count the ways. And, she will be attending some live-but-streamed book events this autumn, and you're invited to join her. Philippe Dova is night-driving across France as we speak, so he'll return next week at 12:40. At 1:25 its 'classical' music day once again. It's a special one today, as on 28th August (today!) in 1789, William Herschel discovered a new moon around Saturn. Not such a big deal, but… he also discovered Uranus, and he was a serious composer. So, it’s all about astronomy this week. Paul Archibald joins us from Bangkok for some more wonderful music and some great pub quiz trivia.