主持人:Phil Whelan
Welcome to Friday on The Brew. Marshy Movie Time will be doing its thing at 12:10 today, as James brings you more tales of his week on the couch. Do join him on Facebook live if you can. Danny Hicks is still away, and he'll be back with you in January for more 'Sports and All'. Tim Huxley joins us again today for a pre-Christmas bruum bruum at 1:25.
主持人:Phil Whelan
Welcome to Thursday's Brew. We have a special guest Brewing in HK today, as Mark Rawson is away for a few days. After the news at 12 we welcome back the one and only Baron Wanchausen, John Prymmer, to share with you some of his favourite 'must hear' Hong Kong artists. Our crack vet Dr. David Gething will be with you at 12:40. As always he'll answer any of your furry questions (we have a really interesting on in the bag for you), and also he'll talk about worms and unwanted visitors. At 1:25, Bureau Chief-at-large Neil Runcieman reports from Vietnam, where the typhoon (Yagi) and its aftermath are still the big news, after collapses and chaos around the country. Join Neil on Facebook live if you can.