主持人:James Ross (guest presenter)
主持人:James Ross (guest presenter)
James in for Phil for one day only, and we kick off after 12 with our business futurist Morris Miselowski looking at the future of influence, and how global companies are setting the agenda... After 12.30 Jarrod Watt with All Things Aussie, and then after the one o'clock news Merrin Pearse's special guest is Emma Sutcliffe joining us to talk about Electric Vehicle battery fires. Emma is a Volunteer Firefighter and Director of EV FireSafe, an Australian company researching electric vehicle high voltage battery fires. We round it off with a chat with Dave Wilkinson, the organiser of this weekend's Lamma Fun Day. Plus the best in music through until 2pm.
12/11/2024 - Morris Miselowski - future of influence, and how global companies are setting the agenda
12/11/2024 - Merrin Pearse and Emma Sutcliffe - electric vehicle