This month marks the centennial birthday of Italian soprano Renata Tebaldi, who was born on 1 February 1922. Opera director Lo King-man had a chance to watch her live performance in Italy when he was a student. That particular performance sparked the flame of his devotion to the art of opera. At the end of 1973, he introduced Tebaldi and tenor Franco Corelli to the Hong Kong audience. This duo recital was held in the Loke Yew Hall at the University of Hong Kong with So Hau-leung as the pianist. In the 7 February programme, Lo King-man will talk about the early life of Tebaldi and share with us some of her precious recordings. In the 14 February programme, we will present to you her marvellous Hong Kong debut. Don’t miss this chance to enjoy these special and rare programmes on Radio 4 on Mondays at 8 pm.
意大利女高音狄邦第生於1922年,2 月1日是她的百歲冥壽。歌劇導演盧景文在意大利讀書時,剛好有機會現場欣賞她的演出,從此埋下他一生要貢獻歌劇藝術的種子。後來,他在1973年底邀請狄邦第及男高音哥拉利來港,於香港大學陸佑堂舉行音樂會,由蘇孝良以鋼琴伴奏。盧景文會於2月7 日(星期一)晚上8時的「狄邦第百週年紀念」介紹她的早期生平及播放珍貴錄音。隨後的2月14日(星期一),第四台則送上在陸佑堂舉行的音樂會。大家不要錯過如此難得的節目。