




    Today China produces more scientists than any other country. And many of them are leading their fields; pushing advances in medicine, food production, robotics, radio astronomy, high energy physics, deep sea research, quantum computing and cosmology. And from deep sea to the deep space, they are at the vanguard of human exploration.
    Their work is not only shaping the future of China, but the future for all of us.




    Technology usually advances in small steps, but there are spheres of science and engineering which are on the brink of making giant leaps that could change the world in dramatic ways.  This is the story of three Chinese scientists and engineers who are leading such fields. Quantum physics has given rise to a new branch of science called quantum information, which many countries, including China, are now racing to develop.  Like many western countries China has also been building advanced voice recognition systems, and coupled with the algorithms of artificial intelligence, they are already putting these to use to revolutionise everything from teaching to medical diagnostics.  Industrial robotics is China’s other great innovation of the past few decades, accelerating their adoption in factories around the world; in a movement that will change the way we all work in coming years.

    網上重溫至 24/06/2025




    Science is the driving force that’s changed society the most in the last few centuries.  Many of these advances have come from pure science research, done simply in the pursuit of knowledge, without applications in mind.  This is the story of three Chinese scientists who’ve devoted their lives to pure scientific research; looking deeper into the Cosmos, the ocean, and the atom. We reveal just what it took to build the world’s largest radio telescope; set to double the number of pulsars discovered in our galaxy. We follow the challenges of constructing the world’s most sensitive neutrino detector, deep underground in Southern China, that’s designed to measure the mass of these elusive subatomic particles. And we dive to the deep ocean with an aquanaut and marine engineer, who’s creating a new type of submarine for regular trips to the largely unexplored deep sea floor.


    RTHK 31
    • 技術飛躍 Giant Leaps

      技術飛躍 Giant Leaps


      Technology usually advances in small steps, but there are spheres of science and engineering which are on the brink of making giant leaps that could change the world in dramatic ways.  This is the story of three Chinese scientists and engineers who are leading such fields. Quantum physics has given rise to a new branch of science called quantum information, which many countries, including China, are now racing to develop.  Like many western countries China has also been building advanced voice recognition systems, and coupled with the algorithms of artificial intelligence, they are already putting these to use to revolutionise everything from teaching to medical diagnostics.  Industrial robotics is China’s other great innovation of the past few decades, accelerating their adoption in factories around the world; in a movement that will change the way we all work in coming years.

    • 以食為天 Farming Frontiers

      以食為天 Farming Frontiers


      One of the greatest problems facing society today is how to feed a population set to reach ten billion by 2050.  We will need to produce as much food in the next thirty years as we have done in all human history.  This is the story of three scientists in China who are pushing new frontiers in farming to rise to this challenge.  From the genetic editing of crops, to improve their disease resistance and prolong produce shelf life, to increasing the diversity of crops grown inside space saving vertical farms, their work is already having an impact on food production around the world.  And through the surprising application of big data and artificial intelligence pig farming is also being transformed; as algorithms regulate feeding and monitor animal health, to guard against diseases such as Swine Flu.
