

    監製:Pang Chi Man


    Apart from collecting and analysing geographical information, the Lands Department (LandsD) has taken a greater part in the provision of digital data in recent years. HO Chi-ho, Land Surveyor of the LandsD, has participated in the 3D Digital Map and Common Spatial Data Infrastructure Platform Project. Spatial data is very important for town planning, management and development. The platform has consolidated the information from over 60 policy bureaus and government departments to facilitate use by people from various sectors. Being fully devoted to his work, HO hopes that Hong Kong can enjoy a higher position in the smart city rankings.


    • Examiner Insights (Transport Department)

      Examiner Insights (Transport Department)

      The paper-based Driving Test Form (its duplicate is commonly known as the “yellow copy”) that has been used for years has been replaced by electronic test form in 2022. The traditional “yellow copy” requires manual compilation, verification and input of data. Digitalisation does not only enhance the work efficiency of driving test, but also shorten the time needed for the public to obtain a driving licence.

      TSE Yu-sang, a Senior Driving Examiner of the Transport Department who will retire soon, has witnessed the changes in driving test throughout the years. His determination in ensuring the stability of services provided and enhancing professional standard has ins...

    • Atypical Clerical Work (Hong Kong Judiciary)

      Atypical Clerical Work (Hong Kong Judiciary)

      Clerical work may be monotonous and rigid. Members of the Clerical Officer Grade of the Government are responsible for handling a large amount of document storage, classification and compilation work to ensure the accuracy and accessibility of data. They play an important role in maintaining the smooth operation of government agencies.

      SHIU Mei-ching, currently serving as Second Clerk at the Kowloon City Magistrates’ Courts, has served the public for over 40 years. She had been transferred to different departments and positions, thus gaining extensive work experience. Through collaborating with colleagues having different backgrounds and professional knowledge, she has further enhanced her professionalism and pro...

    • The First Line of Defence (Customs and Excise Department)

      The First Line of Defence (Customs and Excise Department)

      The Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) serves as the first line of defence in intercepting prohibited goods, as well as the strongest gatekeeper of Hong Kong. TJONG Yu-pau, Chief Customs Officer of the C&ED, has stationed at different control points. After years of training, he has become observant and managed to stay on high alert when working, thus demonstrating his fortitude. Nevertheless, he has a gentle side as well: he would care for people’s needs, and discharge his duties with empathy. As a result, his work was affirmed by colleagues and members of the public.
      In addition to routine duties, TJONG also performed many supporting duties. He often put forward suggestions for improving the...

    • Air Safety Guardian (Civil Aviation Department)

      Air Safety Guardian (Civil Aviation Department)

      Safe navigation of aircrafts in the sky is dependent upon the strict control of the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) over the airline companies as well as aircraft maintenance and modification. LEUNG Kwok-tung, Senior Airworthiness Officer of the CAD, is mainly responsible for certification of airworthiness for aircrafts. Among the various projects, the type certification for domestic C919 passenger aircrafts was the most memorable for him. It was not only a job, but also a mission. LEUNG is of the view that one mus...

    • A Clean City (Food and Environmental Hygiene Department)

      A Clean City (Food and Environmental Hygiene Department)

      In recent years, the frontline officers of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) have had more conflicts with members of the public when discharging their duties, giving rise to a tense atmosphere. To alleviate their pressure whilst on duty, NG Chi-kwan, Chief Health Inspector (Hawker) of the FEHD, and his colleagues have borne the heavy responsibility of implementing the Body Worn Video Camera Project within a short period of time.

      Implementation of the project has reduced the pressure of FEHD’s frontline officers whilst on duty and won the public support. The improvement has helped to enhance the working environment and effectiveness of frontline officers while promoting the develop...

    • A Smart City for All (Lands Department)

      A Smart City for All (Lands Department)

      Apart from collecting and analysing geographical information, the Lands Department (LandsD) has taken a greater part in the provision of digital data in recent years. HO Chi-ho, Land Surveyor of the LandsD, has participated in the 3D Digital Map and Common Spatial Data Infrastructure Platform Project. Spatial data is very important for town planning, management and development. The platform has consolidated the information from over 60 policy bureaus and government departments to facilitate use by people from various sectors. Being fully devoted to his work, HO hopes that Hong Kong can enjoy a higher positio...

    • Rivers in the City (Drainage Services Department)

      Rivers in the City (Drainage Services Department)

      To the public understanding, the work of Drainage Services Department (DSD) may only be limited to drainage management, but in fact the DSD has also made great efforts in greening the environment and revitalising the rivers. Over the years, LEUNG Wah-ming, Richard, Senior Engineer of the DSD, has been dedicated to river revitalisation, hoping to maintain the drainage function of rivers while creating a green environment with natural ecological features for nearby residents. The 2019 Policy Address has proposed to take forward the concept of “Rivers in the City”, so as to provide the public with quality river facilities and enhance the environme...

    • New Mindset of the Police (Hong Kong Police Force)

      New Mindset of the Police (Hong Kong Police Force)

      In the fast changing world, the Police has to face many new challenges every day. With the development of the times, the foundation training for Recruit Police Constables has also been reformed accordingly to enhance practicality and mindset development. CHENG Wai-fong, Police Station Sergeant, has been posted to different police districts over the years, and has served in the Examinations and Assessment Division of the Hong Kong Police College, responsible for the examination assessment for Recruit Police Constables. Having witnessed the continuous improvements made by the Police to meet social needs, CHENG thoug...

    • Serving from the Heart (Civil Aid Service)

      Serving from the Heart (Civil Aid Service)

      Established in 1952, the Civil Aid Service (CAS) has served the Hong Kong society for 70 years. As an auxiliary emergency service, it was frequently at the forefront of numerous major incidents. In early 2020, Hong Kong was plagued by the COVID-19 virus and faced unprecedented challenges. CHIU Yue-tai, Senior Operations & Training Officer of the CAS, led CAS members in coordinating the opening of the Penny’s Bay Community Isolation Facility. They were fearless of difficulties and remained steadfast in their duties to ensure community safety and health.

      CHIU is proud to have witnessed various major events in the society. It serves as a motivation for him to continue to “provide eme...

    • Smart Farming (Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department)

      Smart Farming (Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department)

      People engaging in agriculture in Hong Kong do face many difficulties – with unpredictable weather, limited farmland and relatively low returns, few people are willing to join the industry. CHOW Hoi-tat, Senior Field Assistant of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), has been working diligently behind the scenes, making contribution to local agriculture industry. The AFCD and the Vegetable Marketing Organization jointly established the “Controlled Environment Hydroponic Research and Development Centre” in 2013 to introduce and demonstrate advanced hydroponic technology and equipment to the industry and investors, thereby improving the production methods of local vegetables that helps farmers boost the cultivation efficiency and secure a stable income.

