大廚Gordon Ramsay南下南非夸祖魯-納塔爾省,與犀牛、長頸鹿、斑馬和河馬狹路相逢, 揭開祖魯族戰士傳統飲食文化的面紗,學習古法炭燒秘方。他更不惜由直升機跳入波濤洶湧的印度洋,在岩灘上抓青口。他又穿梭香料市集,最後與當地名廚Zola Nene 合力為祖魯族首領炮製大餐。 |
Chef Ramsay gets up close with rhinos, giraffes, zebras and hippos in the dramatic wilderness of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, as he learns the secrets of the traditional cuisine of Zulu warriors and masters using a local “braai”. He leaps from a helicopter into the raging Indian Ocean, harvests mussels on treacherous rocks and immerses into the local township culture, before cooking with beloved local chef Zola Nene for a revered Zulu chief. |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2022.08.01 MON 10:30pm |