With the interest rate cut cycle underway, the market broadly expects further rate reductions in the coming year, which could have a cautiously positive impact on Hong Kong’s economy. Although the extent and pace of rate cuts may not align perfectly with those in Europe and the US, they are likely to alleviate operational pressures on businesses. How will the shift in interest rates influence capital flows and shape the development of Hong Kong’s economy? How should personal asset management and SME operations be positioned to adapt to a lower interest rate environment? What implications will this have for retirement planning? And can SMEs seize opportunities amid the rate-cutting trend?
With the interest rate cut cycle underway, the market broadly expects further rate reductions in the coming year, which could have a cautiously positive impact on Hong Kong’s economy. Although the extent and pace of rate cuts may not align perfectly with those in Europe and the US, they are likely to alleviate operational pressures on businesses. How will the shift in interest rates influence capital flows and shape the development of Hong Kong’s economy? How should personal asset management and SME operations be positioned to adapt to a lower interest rate environment? What implications will this have for retirement planning? And can SMEs seize opportunities amid the rate-cutting trend?
The HKSAR Government has launched the “Pilot Programme on Community Living Room” which is a collaboration among the government, the business sector, and the community, providing facilities and services for households in subdivided units. The first Community Living Room (CLR) has opened in Sham Shui Po, featuring shared kitchens, study rooms, and laundries. This 3-year programme aims to serve at least 500 households.
In addition to the flagship CLR, there are suggestions to introduce smaller, more accessible CLRs throughout neighborhoods. Since residents have varying needs, families with children require play and learning spaces, while single residents often lack home appliances and need laundry and dining areas. Can the “Pilot Programme on Community Living Room” effectively address these needs, and what improvements are necessary?
According to the Global Wealth Report 2024, Hong Kong ranks third globally in terms of per capita wealth, with an average wealth of around 4.5 million Hong Kong dollars. The government has recently launched Strive and Rise Programme includes "Financial Planning" as one of the compulsory basic trainings, highlighting the connection between financial capability and career planning as essential life skills. The Investor and Financial Education Committee (IFEC) under the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong has outlined the financial capability elements that adults and schoolchildren should possess at different stages in its "Hong Kong Financial Competency Framework". Additionally, the Education Bureau has introduced the "Financial Education School Award Scheme" this year in 2024/25 school year. For teachers, parents, and schools, what challenges do they face in teaching the correct financial concepts? As financial products continually evolve, what kind of financial education do citizens need to avoid falling into financial traps?
Hong Kong, like many international cities, faces the challenge of an ageing population. Enabling the elderly to live actively and optimistically and engage more in society has become a pressing concern. This episode features the lives of elderly in Hong Kong and the Netherlands, showcasing the differences and similarities in retirement systems and ageing policies in the two regions, exploring the post-retirement options and what contributes to "quality retirement".
In the Netherlands, when the elderly reach the statutory retirement age, they receive a state pension based on their years of residence and occupational pension accrued during work. Generally, retirees can live their golden years comfortably based on a stable pension system. In Hong Kong, the principle of elderly services is to facilitate “ageing in place as the core, with institutional care as back-up”. In addition to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), Hong Kong offers various elderly welfare policies like the "Retire 3" initiative which includes the Annuity Plan, Reverse Mortgages, and Policy Reverse Mortgage Programme to ensure that the elderly can age gracefully. Mental well-being of the elderly is also a concern in both regions. What are the key factors for the elderly in both places to live a "positive and enjoyable old age"? How can they maintain a high quality retirement life.
According to the United Nations' "World Population Prospects", by 2050, one in six people in the world will be aged 65 or older. Many advanced economies such as Singapore, South Korea, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong are facing serious ageing populations. South Korea is among the fastest-ageing populations globally, while Singapore is also beginning to confront this issue. This episode explores the mindsets and health management of the elderly in these two countries before and after retirement, covering aspects like interpersonal relationships, community ties, and self-worth pursuits. How does Singapore handle senior mental health for retirement? How does South Korea tackle elderly loneliness and promote healthcare services? How do they help seniors in finding happiness through community participation, striving for a quality retirement life?
The Olympic fever is sweeping across the globe as the Paris Olympics and Paralympics draw near, with the entire city eagerly anticipating the events. While the public rallies behind Hong Kong athletes in their pursuit of excellence, businesses are gearing up to capitalise on the sports fever brought by this global spectacle. Beyond the immediate economic benefits that sports bring to society, what strategies can sustain this momentum in the long term? According to a report by the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department, sports and related activities accounted for 1.4% of Hong Kong’s GDP (approximately $34 billion) in 2021, encompassing sports facility operations, related product sales, and support services. How can the innovative concept of "industrialising" sports development be implemented? What coordination and support are needed from various sectors to achieve this vision?
As the DSE results are released on July 17, what factors should students consider when choosing their next steps? The 2023 Policy Address proposed that the government would promote the establishment of universities of applied sciences, significantly enhancing the status of Vocational and Professional Education and Training to the level of university degrees. In March 2024, Hong Kong Metropolitan University became the first approved university of applied sciences in Hong Kong. Several self-financing post-secondary institutions, aiming to gain the same status, have stated that vocational education better meets the needs of the job market. Universities of applied sciences offer applied degree programmes, but some of these programmes under the pilot scheme have been noted for low enrolment. How should universities of applied sciences position themselves, and what impact will this have on the development of self-financing post-secondary institutions?
In Hong Kong, the suicide rate is rising. When a suicide occurs, people focus on the deceased, praying for their peace. However, there is another group: the loved ones of the victims who are still alive and enduring the pain of their loss. After experiencing such grief, how are they supposed to carry on? Suicide is not just an individual issue. Research indicates that one suicide affects at least several people around them. If these feelings and negative thoughts are not properly addressed, they may lead to depression or even suicide. Teachers, social workers, and scholars who assist others with these issues also suffer and are affected. How should society, in various sectors, address the needs of the families of suicide victims?
Hong Kong was once globally renowned for toy production. With support from the motherland, in 2022, Hong Kong remained the world's eighth-largest toy exporter, including re-export trade. The 50th Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair attracted over 42,000 buyers from 135 countries and regions during its four-day physical exhibition. Traditional Hong Kong manufacturers have shifted from pure production to focusing on quality control and production planning, with some producers exploring eco-friendly and smart concepts. In recent years, the rise of Kidult and Art Toys raises the questions: can these products establish a foothold in the global market? What support does the government provide, such as CEPA and various matching funds, to help the toy industry further develop?
The 2023 Policy Address proposed the continued implementation and improvement of the Youth Development Blueprint, “study the possibility of utilising suitable facilities to provide Youth Link participants with a platform for constant interaction, including multi-function areas, a youth culture and creativity bazaar, and small-scale performance spaces.” The Youth Development Commission has also set up the Youth Development Fund to support youth entrepreneurship and other development activities. Today, many young people are choosing to start their own businesses, using their entrepreneurial skills to earn their first pot of gold. Besides the government's strong push for youth entrepreneurship, many NGOs have also established programmes and support systems to help young people carve out their entrepreneurial paths. However, despite their creativity, young people often lack practical experience and funding. How can society best support and encourage them to truly build a future for themselves?