Kate Quilton與Tamal Ray會從不同角度研究疼痛與疾病,包括骨骼再生科技、紫錐花的抗感冒療效,以及治療腰背痛的最新外科手術。特派記者Morland Sanders則會探討基因測試的利弊。一群飽受腰背痛困擾的患者,自願接受瑜伽練習、整骨療法或物理治療,測試哪一種比較有效。 |
This week Kate Quilton and Tamal Ray investigate the subjects of pain and disease. They look into the latest scientific approaches for growing bone, the curative effects of Echinacea, and the latest surgical approaches to treating back pain. While journalist Morland Sanders delves into the world of online DNA testing kits and a group of volunteers test out whether yoga, osteopathy or physiotherapy can help ease the pain of chronic lower back pain. |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2022.07.19 TUE 10:30pm |