肯亞生物學家和叢林飛機師Ian Lemaiyan,為保護犀牛而駕駛單引擎飛機飛越草原。這位馬賽族的機師飛往不同的保育區,為我們介紹一系列獨特的野生動物保育計劃。從天空觀賞,肯亞的開闊空間仍然與早年來這裏作野生動物探險的人所看到的完全一樣。 |
At the helm of his small single-engine aircraft, Ian Lemaiyan, a Kenyan biologist and bush pilot, flies over the savannah to protect the rhinos. From reserve to reserve, the Maasai pilot introduces us to a series of unique wildlife preservation programs. Seen from the sky, Kenya's open spaces appear now as they were once known to those who once came here on safari. |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2023.12.11 MON 10:30pm |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2024.01.15 MON 10:30pm |
Ivo Daniel Velasquez是一位無名英雄。他控制著飛機,有時是架小型塞斯納,有時是雙引擎派珀,無懼玻利維亞與別不同的飛行條件,前赴該國最偏遠的社區提供援助。 |
Ivo Daniel Velasquez is an anonymous hero. At the controls of his plane, sometimes a tiny Cessna, sometimes a twin-engine Piper - he defies the quite extraordinary flying conditions of Bolivia to come to the assistance of the most remote communities in the country. |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2024.01.08 MON 10:30pm |
Guy 和 Fiona夫婦二人住在新西蘭阿爾卑斯山深處,是生活於世界盡頭的農夫。要在全國最偏遠的農場飼養5,000隻綿羊、2,000隻牛和幾十匹馬,飛機和直升機是必要的出行工具。他們也會乘坐飛機去約會朋友及玩花式飛行。 |
Deep in the New Zealand Alps, Guy and Fiona Redfern are the flying farmers at the end of the world. Plane and helicopter are essential in raising the 5,000 sheep, 2,000 cows and dozens of horses on this farm, the most isolated in the country. In addition to being a tool for their work, their plane is also a means of escaping their isolation to meet friends and perform some aerial stunts. |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2024.01.01 MON 10:30pm |
馬達加斯加面積相當於法國,但路況很不好,駕車來往不同城市動輒需時數天時間。飛機師Fifou著駕駛他的伙伴India Papa不停出動。India Papa是馬達加斯加所有人都認識的黃藍色叢林飛機。這架空中的士提供多種服務,無論是為研究鯨魚遷徙、運送人道援助物資,有時還能拯救生命。 |
In this island as big as France, it sometimes takes several days to travel from one city to another by car. Yet, Fifou is super active and moves about all the time. Whether supplying his hotel, studying the migration of whales, or carrying humanitarian aid, he counts on his faithful flying companion, a yellow bush plane that everyone in Madagascar knows by the name: "India Papa". A "taxi in the air" which provides many services, and can even, sometimes, save lives. |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2023.12.25 MON 11:00pm |
Sebastien是一位前航空公司機長。他將飛往廣闊的加拿大。在他的捷流32飛機以及水上飛機上,他帶我們了解魁北克北部宏偉、荒涼和遺世獨立的美景。繫上安全帶,一同飛進無垠的世界吧! |
We set out to meet Sebastien, a former airline pilot. We head for Canada and its vast expanses. Aboard his Jet Stream 32 and a seaplane, he introduces us to the magnificent, deserted and isolated landscapes of Northern Quebec. Fasten your seatbelts for imminent take-off! |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2023.12.18 MON 10:30pm |
肯亞生物學家和叢林飛機師Ian Lemaiyan,為保護犀牛而駕駛單引擎飛機飛越草原。這位馬賽族的機師飛往不同的保育區,為我們介紹一系列獨特的野生動物保育計劃。從天空觀賞,肯亞的開闊空間仍然與早年來這裏作野生動物探險的人所看到的完全一樣。 |
At the helm of his small single-engine aircraft, Ian Lemaiyan, a Kenyan biologist and bush pilot, flies over the savannah to protect the rhinos. From reserve to reserve, the Maasai pilot introduces us to a series of unique wildlife preservation programs. Seen from the sky, Kenya's open spaces appear now as they were once known to those who once came here on safari. |
Bilingual: |
Cantonese/ English (TV Version) |
Time: |
(First run) |
2023.12.11 MON 10:30pm |