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    英國音樂史上其中一隊最成功的流行二人組合Pet Shop Boys在2016年發行了專輯《 Super》之後,在倫敦著名的皇家歌劇院舉行了備受讚賞的《私人地帶演唱會》演唱會。
    演唱會由英國著名設計師Es Devlin設計舞台,並由深受演藝界歡迎的編舞師Lynne Page編舞。在《私人地帶演唱會》演唱會激光滿溢的舞台上,Pet Shop Boys演唱了樂隊多首大熱作品,包括有 It's A Sin, Left To My Own Devices, Domino Dancing, Always On My Mind 及 West End Girls 等名曲。

    After releasing their latest album, Super, the most successful pop duo in UK music history began their Super tour two years ago at the renowned Royal Opera House in London with the acclaimed show, Inner Sanctum. Having since taken the show around the world, Pet Shop Boys returned to the Royal Opera House this summer for four last performances, captured on film by director David Barnard (Bjork, Nick Cave). Created with Es Devlin (design) and Lynne Page (direction/choreography), Inner Sanctum is a laser-drenched ride through Pet Shop Boys electric past and present, mixing greatest hits and club sounds, against the backdrop of one of the grandest European opera houses. It shows Pet Shop Boys at their ground-breaking best.