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    (A) 紅粉村巡遊舉行當天,銀樂隊的所有隊員卻都身體不適!幸好,緋緋和她的朋友願意代替他們表演。但有一個問題—他們沒有樂器!

    (B) 今天是爸爸的生日,緋緋想送他一份最棒的禮物,但她不知道送什麼好,她決定先由包禮物的花紙開始。可是當爸爸回到家裏時,她還是只預備了花紙。

    播放頻道: 港台電視31
    播出時間: (首播) 2020年10月18日 星期日 上午9時30分
    (網上重溫) 至 2021年10月17日 星期日

    (A) It's the day of the Pinkville Parade and the whole marching band has gotten sick! Luckily, Pinkalicious and her friends eagerly volunteer to perform in their stead. There's just one small problem…they don't have any instruments!

    (B) It's Daddy's birthday and Pinkalicious wants to get him the most pinkatastic gift ever. She just doesn't know what that gift should be … she decides to start with the wrapping paper. But when Daddy gets home, that's all that's done.

    Channel: RTHK 31
    Time: (First Run) 2020.10.18 SUN 9:30am
    (Online Catch-up) Till 2021.10.17 Sun