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    (A) 萬聖節前夕紅粉村因暴風雨令電力中斷,聯歡會更可能因而被取消,紅粉女俠及海盜王彼得決定出手挽救危機,令居民都能愉快過萬聖節。

    (B) 緋緋、彼得、華仔及花花結伴去採摘紅莓,以炮製美味的紅莓奶昔,但卻發現紅莓差不多全被雀鳥吃掉。他們決定製作稻草人以趕走這群不速之客。

    播放頻道: 港台電視31
    播出時間: (首播) 2020年10月25日 星期日 上午9時30分
    (網上重溫) 至 2021年10月24日 星期日 

    (A) A huge storm has knocked out Pinkville's power lines just days before Halloween! It looks like the holiday will be canceled - that is unless Pink-a-girl and Pirate Peter can find a way to save the day! 

    (B) Pinkalicious, Peter, Rafael and Frida are off to collect berries for their homemade smoothies. But when they arrive at the community garden, they find birds have eaten almost all the berries! To keep the birds away, the kids build a scarecrow - but will it be scary enough?

    Channel: RTHK 31
    Time: (First Run) 2020.10.25 SUN 9:30am
    (On-line Catch-up) Till 2021.10.24 SUN