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    (A) 緋緋最愛的東西,當然就是粉紅色!所以當緋緋一覺醒來發現自己全身變成粉紅色,她太高興了。但緋緋很快便發現,就算是好事物都要適可而止。

    (B) 媽媽向緋緋和彼得展示她的新發明 — 會噴出閃閃粉的閃閃爍機。緋緋急不及待跟朋友分享,所有人都很喜歡閃閃爍機,除了華仔。

    播放頻道: 港台電視31
    播出時間: (首播) 2020年11月15日 星期日 上午9時30分
    (網上重溫) 至 2021年11月14日 星期日 

    (A) If there is one thing Pinkalicious loves most, it's the color pink! So when Pinkalicious wakes up to discover her whole body has suddenly turned pink, she's ecstatic. However, Pinkalicious soon discovers that you cannot have too much of a good thing. 

    (B) Mommy shows Pinkalicious and Peter her latest invention: the Glitterizer, a machine that sprays glitter! Pinkalicious eagerly shares it with her friends and everyone loves it. Well, everyone except for Rafael…

    Channel: RTHK 31
    Time: (First Run) 2020.11.15 SUN 9:30am
    (On-line Catch-up) Till 2021.11.14 SUN