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    一連六集節目,電視節目主持暨製作人史黛斯.杜莉會帶領觀眾由核心外圍走到核心內圍,深入採訪六個另類英國家庭的日常生活。史黛斯會在每個家庭留宿72小時,每日陪他們食足三餐之餘,還會一起返工、返學、放狗、按摩、 打獵、夜蒲、參加MMA比賽,務求在三日三夜內揭出他們最不為人知的一面。史黛斯與家庭成員的各種互動,亦帶出各人對關係、金錢、伴侶、性、工作、夢想等等日常生活議題的獨特見解。


    In this immersive documentary series, Stacey Dooley explores modern life by spending 72-hours in the company of a wide range of extraordinary characters and families.

    Stacey will move into a household, getting up close and personal, gaining privileged access, going to work and sharing family meals to experience the household’s routines and rituals first hand. 

    Stacey Sleeps Over will shine a light on the kinds of families and relationships we've never seen up close before. The series covers universal themes of modern relationships and family life, with the families providing a unique lens into each topic.