



    以巴衝突是當今世界最難解的政治議題之一,自1948年以色列復國以來雙方爭鬥不斷,造成無數人命傷亡和經濟損失;當中交織着兩地的信仰、土地與民族歷史,亦牽涉到一眾阿拉伯與西方國家的利益。 本節目追溯至百年前的歷史源起,深入探討雙方的爭論焦點及衝突的演變;並透過當代不同聲音,帶出事件對社會、民生以及人權所帶來的影響,展示戰火下的人性化面貌。

    A rare and thought-provoking examination of both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, from its catalyst to why it still rages, to what needs to happen for it to stop.
    The Tinderbox combines ancient and more recent history, geopolitical problems (racism, inequality, immigration and fake truths), and psychology, with the deeply personal journey of one person forced to challenge everything they’d been taught about the conflict in Israel and Palestine.

    The film also shows the human face of this conflict by hearing from a wide variety of contemporary voices, ranging from a Settler to a political member of Hamas. Today, while this conflict still rages, an American Middle East Peace Plan is in the works, and anti-Semitism and Islamophobia remain as globally controversial as ever, this film will provide context, show how history continues to play out in the daily lives of people on either side of the divide, and will empower audiences to make up their own minds.