




    We are made up of max. 50 % human and min. 50 % bacteria. At least as far as the number of body cells is concerned, this fact is as spectacular as it is exciting. Our intestinal flora alone weighs about as much as our brain, and is just as indispensable for the body. In recent years, science has discovered more and more details about the enormous health significance of the microbiome, i.e. the bacterial colonization of our body, and these findings are currently increasingly being used in clinical applications. From the intestinal flora during pregnancy, through childbirth and childhood, to serious illnesses in old age – the microbiome is being used as a remedy in almost all medical fields. At the same time, however, it is becoming increasingly common to recognize that body bacteria can also pose a health risk or exacerbate existing diseases. That’s why nutrition and lifestyle play an increasingly important role when it comes to the microbiome. The documentary on the “Wonder-Weapon Microbiome” presents the latest findings in this area of medicine.

    TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)