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    Executive Producer:Yu Chi-ling Presenter:Mishy Lee

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    Most people would associate Sweden with meatballs, furniture and music. As Swedes are considered to have a sweet tooth, the cultural ambassador, Mishy, will visit Mr Per
    Augustsson, the Consul General of Sweden in Hong Kong and Macau, to learn about their classic sweets and Fika culture.

    Swedes are familiar with self-assembly furniture kits, and Mishy will bring Mr Augustsson to learn about the traditional Chinese joinery technique and make their masterpieces together.

    Brought up in a Swedish family of missionaries, Anders Nelsson moved to Hong Kong when he was 4. Anders will share how he became one of the local fixtures of the Hong Kong entertainment scene.


    • Joyful Journeys

      Joyful Journeys

      Hong Kong is an international metropolis that draws in expats and tourists from around the world. Currently, over 60 countries have established consulates general in the city. In addition to serving as a bridge in trade and commerce, they are also tasked with the promotion of cultural exchange. Over the past eight episodes, we interviewed the Consuls General of Ireland, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Qatar, Germany, and South Africa. Together, we embarked on a voyage of cultural exchange through activities related to various aspects of daily life, such as food, art, and festivities. The consuls general gave us a better understanding of their respective countries’ cultures and values, while also learning about local heritage and customs.
      In this episode, we will look back on the highlights and relive these joyful journeys full of cultural colour.

    • Japan


      Hong Kong people are so into the Japanese culture that they have incorporated into their daily life such Japanese kanji as hōdai (“all you can”) and ōen (“support”).

      That is why this time we have Mr. Okada Kenichi, the consul general of Japan in Hong Kong. He is going to try Japanese taiko with our host Chris Leung, learning about the taiko’s history and its roles in contemporary performing arts.

      Mr. Okada came to Hong Kong to study in as early as 1989, so he is no stranger to the city. He likes visiting local coffee shops, so Chris has invited him to learn making Hong Kong-style milk tea. Speaking of Japanese tea ceremony, Mr. Okada mentioned ichi-go ichi-e (“once in a lifetime”). That marks a stark contrast in socialising practice between Japanese and Chinese when considering our common saying "得閒飲茶 dak1 haan4 jam2 caa4" (“having tea when free”).

      Ms. Yokoyama Katsue, a Japanese woman who has lived here for 28 years, shows a stronger passion about traditional Hong Kong culture than most locals. A fluent Cantonese speaker, she has taken us to Ko Lau Wan Village in Sai Kung to observe An Loong Ching Chiu which takes place every 7 years.

    • Germany


      Germany is the 4th largest economy in the world. German merchants came to Hong Kong for business as early as the 18th century. The country is renowned worldwide for its technological products and automobile industry. Also, the German Bauhaus architectural style has had its influence on modern architecture. Between the 1960s and the 1970s, it was widely adopted by publicly funded buildings in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong City Hall and Choi Hung Estate.

      Stefanie Seedig, former consul general of Germany to Hong Kong, has taken us to Hong Kong Arts Centre for appreciation of Bauhaus architecture. In addition, at Goethe-Institut Hongkong located in the Centre, we tried to learn the German language, which is said to be difficult, and gain insights into the German life and culture. In return, our host Mishy has invited Stefanie to learn the Chinese seal script and understand the differences in Chinese and Western seal engraving, as well as the similarities in Chinese and German word formation.

      Till Kraemer is a German who has lived in Hong Kong for over 10 years. He noticed that there are many ethnicities living in the city, which has created a unique cultural diversity. Therefore, he decided to start a cultural career in Hong Kong by hosting workshops in primary and secondary schools, to provide opportunities for youngsters to communicate with people of different ethnicities and widen their cultural vision.

    • South Africa

      South Africa

      With a rich sense of rhythm in music and its people’s free-spirited dance moves, South Africa showcases a vibrant passion everywhere. In this episode, we can experience the South African culture through the National Day Reception , a visit to the South African Consulate General in Hong Kong , and its cuisine.

      Cantonese opera, a form of the traditional Chinese theatre, features singing and dialogues in the Cantonese dialect. Its origin can be traced back to the time of Emperor Jiajing during the Ming Dynasty. This style of opera is particularly popular in Cantonese-speaking areas, such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, and Macau.

      Mr. Mogono, the South African Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao SAR, and Chris are going to learn Cantonese opera from Hoi, the Cantonese opera instructor, in this episode. Let’s see if Mr. Mogono’s portrayal of ‘Bao Zheng’ and Chris’ performance as the young male lead bear some resemblance with Hoi’s guidance this time.

    • Qatar


      One could hardly imagine that there is a tranquil and serene side in this bustling international city, Hong Kong. In this episode, the host, Chris Leung, acting as an ambassador, invites the Consul Ceneral of the State of Qatar in Hong Kong and Macau, Mr. Ali Saad Al-Hajri, to explore the Venice of the East, Tai O.

      They engage in several fascinating activities, such as weaving fishing nets, making Hakka tea cakes, and learning about the Chinese tea ceremony and traditional seal incense making. Not only do these experiences provide a break from work, but they also offer a sense of healing.

      Immersing himself in Middle Eastern culture, Chris has the rare opportunity to try on traditional Qatari clothing and taste special Arabic coffee. Madam Maryam Ahmad Al-Shibi, who has lived in Hong Kong for 4 years, also shares what she finds attractive about Hong Kong.

    • Belgium


      When talking about Belgium, we often associate her with beer and delicacies such as waffles and chocolate. Belgium has even earned the name “The Kingdom of Chocolate”. The criteria for obtaining the local certificate for chocolate there are very strict. The consul general of Belgium in Hong Kong, Mr. Lomastro, will accompany Mishy to the International Culinary Institute to learn how to become a chocolatier. During the process, they will be able to get a taste of the original flavour of cocoa beans, regulate the temperature of the chocolate paste firsthand, mould it, experience every step of the journey from beans to bar, and ensure that the process is not sloppy in any way. Having tasted the melting chocolate in her mouth, Mishy has even invited our local traditional sugar-pulling master, Sugarman, to demonstrate his special craftsmanship of over 600 years, including techniques such as pulling, pinching, cutting, and blowing, as if performing magic with sugar.


      Currently, there are about 1,350 Belgians residing in Hong Kong. Maxime is a lawyer who has been living in Hong Kong for 14 years, and he has developed his interest in photography. Two and a half years ago, he and his colleague founded the storytelling platform called Hong Kong Shifts Platform. Through photography and interviewing different people in Hong Kong, Maxime has come to know and experience the various aspects of Hong Kong from different perspectives.

    • The Netherlands

      The Netherlands

      When it comes to talking about the Netherlands, we often think of tulips, cheese, and windmills. However, if we were to name a well-known Dutch figure, a popular choice would certainly be Vincent van Gogh.

      In this episode, Mr. Arjen van den Berg, the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong and Macau, invites the presenter, Chris, to visit his official residence in Hong Kong. We can feel the Dutch aesthetics through the tour, and art seems to have an important role in their culture.

      The Dutch had imported millions of Chinese porcelain products which were later imitated to become the Dutch version of blue-and-white porcelain, aka Delftware. Having developed for several hundred years, Delft Blue has already become a Dutch classic. Hong Kong also has its own classic, known as Guangcai. In this episode, Arjen and Chris are going to visit a long-standing porcelain factory to learn more about the traditional art.

      In the segment “Foreigners in Hong Kong”, we will introduce a Dutch photographer, Marcel Heijnen, who considers Hong Kong his second home.

    • Sweden


      Most people would associate Sweden with meatballs, furniture and music. As Swedes are considered to have a sweet tooth, the cultural ambassador, Mishy, will visit Mr Per
      Augustsson, the Consul General of Sweden in Hong Kong and Macau, to learn about their classic sweets and Fika culture.

      Swedes are familiar with self-assembly furniture kits, and Mishy will bring Mr Augustsson to learn about the traditional Chinese joinery technique and make their masterpieces together.

      Brought up in a Swedish family of missionaries, Anders Nelsson moved to Hong Kong when he was 4. Anders will share how he became one of the local fixtures of the Hong Kong entertainment scene.

    • Finland


      In Finland there is a saying called “The Everyman’s Rights”, which means that beautiful nature is open to everyone to explore, and there is a close bond between many Finns and nature. Mr. Kantola, the consul general of Finland in Hong Kong and Macao, will take Chris to hike and explain the Finns’ idea about enjoying the nature.

      During our festive time, we have a very iconic performance, the lion dance. Chris will take Mr. Kantola to have a lesson of the lion dance to let him experience the traditional Chinese culture.

      Hong Kong is a place where various cultures intersect. Ville is a Finns who has stayed in Hong Kong for 17 years. For what reasons he started his business here and why did he want to stay in Hong Kong for such a long period of time?

    • Ireland


      With a sizeable Irish community, Hong Kong has a long history of interaction with Ireland. More than 40 roads in Hong Kong are associated with Irish names. Mr. David Costello, the Consul General of Ireland to Hong Kong & Macau, will introduce the legacy of Irish education in Hong Kong. Of course they won’t miss the chance to experience the warm hospitality of an Irish pub. As Ireland is famous for oysters, Chris will take David to Lau Fau Shan, also known as the “Oyster Village” of Hong Kong, to taste the unique local delicacies, golden oysters.
