












Performance Pledge Performance Pledge 服務承諾

2.RTHK's Television Service

In 2000, 575 hours of first-run television programmes were produced for broadcast by commercial stations. The output included 212 educational television programmes produced for schools, and 26.5 hours of special programmes covering Voter's Registration, Legislative Council Elections, Mandatory Provident Fund and Education Commission's Campaign. In addition to the full coverage of Legislative Council sittings, pool coverage on special events such as National Day Flag Raising Ceremony, Honours and Awards Presentation Ceremony and other official functions were provided to the electronic media.
Vote for Hong Kong Carnival

2000 Average Viewership of RTHK Prime-time Programmes
ATV 288 135
TVB 1 293 406

RTHK's television programmes have consistently achieved high viewership as well as appreciation ratings. In the 2000 "Appreciation Index" joint survey conducted with the two local terrestrial stations, ATV and TVB, and a new member, Hong Kong Cable, RTHK enjoyed a higher average when compared with the other stations. Of the top 10 highest rated programmes in the "Appreciation Index" list, 4 were RTHK productions.


Appreciation Index:
Top Four RTHK Programmes
Programmes Appreciation Index
1 The Road Back 79.1
2 Hong Kong Connection 78.7
3 Success Stories 78.5
4 Youth Weekly 77.3
Level of Appreciation: Very much 100
Quite  75 Neither 50
Not Quite 25 Not at all 0


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