Radio Service

RTHK's seven radio channels provide a comprehensive range of programmes in Cantonese, Putonghua and English. In 2002 RTHK will:

-promote culture and the arts, and explore the possibilities of organising a biennial "Hong Kong Competition for Young Asian Musicians";

-produce programmes to promote Putonghua learning, anti-crime and parent education, and strengthen coverage during the World Cup Finals; and

-foster the appreciation of traditional Chinese culture and Chinese orchestral music through various activities, and broadcast the 9-day 2002 World Music Days Festival of the International Society for Contemporary Music in Hong Kong.


Educational programmes and projects continued to be the main focus with new initiatives including "Radio College for the Elderly", "Putonghua Day", "Talk-to-Win English Speaking Competition", "The Joy of Reading" and "Songbirds English Radio Drama". The new financial information service, introduced in May, and its dedicated financial website in July, further strengthen the station's financial programmes with the latest financial analyses and updates. Our Putonghua Channel (Radio 7) daily broadcast time has increased by 3 hours since July 2001. Special current affairs programmes covering the September 11 terrorist attacks and air-raids in Afghanistan were produced. The "Hong Kong Competition for Young Asian Musicians" was successfully held in September, putting Hong Kong firmly on the international cultural map. The "Global Chinese Pop Chart", involving cooperation from regional broadcasters, cumulating in the first presentation concert was held in Beijing in September. The "Rallying Round Through The Hard Times" project was organised at the end of the year to boost public mood.

In the 2001 radio telephone interview survey conducted by AC Nielsen, RTHK's Radios 1 and 2 were the second and third most listened to channels in the territory, with listening figures at 1 657 000 and 1 536 000 respectively. The respective market share of RTHK channel-past 7 days-in 2001 is as follows:

Radio 1 - Chinese news, information and general programming 27%
Radio 2 - Chinese youth, entertainment and popular music; promotion of community projects 25%
Radio 3 - English news, information and general programming 3%
Radio 4 - Bilingual serious music and fine arts 2%
Radio 5 - Chinese elderly, cultural and education 8%
Radio 6 - BBC World Service relay 2%
Radio 7 - Putonghua general programming, news and finance 3%

The radio performance achievements in 2001 and targets in 2002 are as follows:

2001 Achievements
2002 Targets
Number of hours of programming output
49 745
49 927
Number of hours of news programming output
6 329
6 361
Number of hours of programming per employee
Number of community/educational projects organised

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