
Advisory Panels

Advisory panels on RTHK's radio and television services were set up in 1994. In 2001, one television and six radio panel meetings were held. Many ideas were raised and some subsequently turned into programme initiatives or used as reference for future programme development.

Producers, Guidelines and Programme Standards

In September 1998, we published a set of working guidelines to reflect and codify established editorial practices for producers to follow. The document was last updated in September 2000, and is available from the RTHK website.

We also pledge to comply with the Codes of Practice on programme standards issued by the Broadcasting Authority (BA). A new Memorandum of Understanding setting out RTHK's voluntary compliance was signed between the BA, Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau and RTHK in October 1999.

Effective Monitoring

Ninety-four complaints and enquiries were made during 2001. Replies (or interim ones) were given within 10 days. All the complaints were investigated and thorough answers given to the complainants.

Complaints against RTHK also included those lodged with the BA. In 2001, all complaints received through the BA, except five, were classified as unactionable, minor breaches or unsubstantiated. The five cases found to be breaches were dealt with by the programme divisions concerned.

Comments and Suggestions

These can be addressed to the RTHK Service Hotline at 2272 0000. We will respond immediately wherever possible. If the case requires detailed investigation, we will issue an interim reply within 10 days. If you feel that your comments or suggestions have not been dealt with adequately, please write to the Director of Broadcasting at the address below.

Radio Television Hong Kong
Broadcasting House
30 Broadcast Drive Kowloon

Where to go for further information

You can make enquiries to our Corporate Communications Unit at the above address; call 2339 6402 or 2339 7669; fax 2336 9314 or 2338 4151; or e-mail them at ccu@rthk.org.hk.


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