












Performance Pledge Performance Pledge 服務承諾

6.Targets for Specific Services

(a) Typhoon/Bad Weather Radio Announcements

We broadcast updated weather information every 15 minutes when typhoon signal No. 8 or higher is hoisted. If schools need to be closed because of typhoon or bad weather, announcements will normally be made before 6:15 a.m. for morning classes and before 11:00 a.m. for afternoon classes on notification from the Government Information Services or other Government bureaux or departments.

2000 Typhoon signal No.8 or above Nil
  Red and black rainstorm warning 4times
  All announcements were broadcast on time.  


(b) Captioning of TV Programmes for the Hearing Impaired

We have pledged to provide full subtitling for at least 30% of our annual television output.

2000 231.5 hours, representing 44% of our television output, were captioned.


(c) Follow-up Action on Calls to Public Affairs Programmes

Our radio channels offer substantial phone-in programmes for members of the public to air their views on topical issues. All the on-air calls that require action will be followed up - a reply will be given or the matter referred to the appropriate authorities within 10 days.

2000 Total phone-in hours 3221
  Chinese channels, daily in-coming calls 160 (average)
  Calls put on air 24 (average)
  English channels, weekly in-coming calls 60 (average)


(d) Advice on Radio Reception

If you have problems with the reception of our radio broadcasts, you can contact our Duty Engineer on 2339 6440 for advice.


127 enquiries were received through our hotline. Our engineers conducted 86 home visits and handled the rest either over the phone or in writing within 10 days.

An "Easy Reception" campaign was launched in October to give additional information about radio reception to the public. Our engineers received over 600 enquiries including 205 which required follow-up action, and 67 home visits were made.

CE's Phone-in


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