












Performance Pledge Performance Pledge 服務承諾
(e) Video Library

All our prime-time television programmes produced since 1989 are available for free viewing by members of the public. A loan service is also available for non-profit making organisations. For details of this service, please contact our Librarian on 2339 7773.

2000 1460 loans and viewing sessions were provided to the public during the year.


(f) Audio Archives

Selected radio programmes in the form of half-hour audio cassettes are available for borrowing from the City Hall Library and Shatin Central Library. For more details, please call our Librarian at 2339 6445.

2000 Over 865 borrowings were made from the two libraries.


(g) Internet

We established a New Media Unit in October 2000 to explore and develop multi-media opportunities in the new media arena. A new "ETV online" internet channel was launched to provide additional access to school programmes and educational news. RTHK's cultural archives will be put on a Chinese cultural multi-media website, initially targeting specific primary student groups. Other new services to be introduced in 2001 include simplified Chinese version, alternative streaming for additional access by media player, and special projects with international institutions. For more details, please visit our website at


Live broadcast of all six RTHK Channels and prime-time TV programmes has been made available on the Internet since April 2000. The daily access rate to our homepage continues to rise to the current level of 2 000 000 hits. Around 60% of the visits were from abroad.



In 2001, a new interactive voice system will be introduced. Users will have a choice of three languages (Cantonese, English and Putonghua) with new services including News Bulletins, LegCo relay and special channel activities in addition to the existing Newsline and Programme Line.


Over 0.7 million calls, 1 % of which were from abroad, were received.
International Cantonese Newsline (852) 900-600-78-899

The Teleline Service allows both local and overseas listeners to dial in for the latest radio news, as well as programmes on Radios 1 and 2. The new interactive voice system service is now avaliable at the service hotline 2272 0000.


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