Johnny (高思哲)

Getting Your House In Order

Renovating(裝修)your home provides the perfect opportunity for you to let your creative juices flow(讓你發揮創意)and allows you to put what you’ve learnt in your primary school art lessons to good use! Will you splatter(濺潑)the wall with paint or cover it with fluorescent pink hearts? Will you buy new furniture(傢俱)or pick up stuff that someone else has thrown out(as the age old saying goes, "One man's trash is another man's treasure!")? Soundproof(隔音的)doors or bulletproof(防彈的)windows? Decisions, decisions, decisions...

No matter what direction you end up going in, I'm pretty sure that we all share common ground(有共同點)on one thing – the need to maximise storage space儲物空間)! With what little room we have here in Hong Kong, being able to fit all your possessions(財物)into your home whilst still having enough space to live in it is almost an impossible feat(不可能的壯舉)!

The city we live in is often described as a vertical one as the scarcity(不足)of land means that in order to expand(擴張), we can only build upwards. Well, I think I’m facing a similar problem at home as I’m running out of space(缺乏空間)to put my things and everything is starting to pile up(堆積起來)!!!

With that in mind, doing up your home(修繕你的房子)is also a good time to dig through your drawers(抽屜)and wardrobes(衣櫃)to clear out everything you don't want to admit as junk廢物). A tedious(使人厭煩的)and monotonous(冗長乏味的)task indeed, but I'm sure occasional surprises are bound to pop up here and there, like "When did I buy this?" and "Why did I wear that?"

While the style and layout(佈局)of your new home are entirely up to you(由你話事), remember to find a licensed(有牌的)and registered(註冊的)technician if you are going to mess with the plumbing(配管系統)and electrics. Otherwise, all the hard work you've put into you dream home might just go down the drain血本無歸)!

And speaking of drains, I think there’s a toilet waiting for me to clean!

Vocabulary & Phrases

to renovate – 裝修
to let one’s creative uses flow – 讓人發揮創意
to splatter – 濺潑
furniture – 傢俱
soundproof – 隔音的
bulletproof – 防彈的
to share common ground – 有共同點
storage space – 儲物空間
possessions – 財物
feat – 壯舉
scarcity – 不足
to expand – 擴張
to run out of space – 缺乏空間
to pile up – 堆積起來
to do up one’s home – 修繕房子
drawer – 抽屜
wardrobe – 衣櫃
junk – 廢物
tedious – 使人厭惡的
monotonous – 冗長乏味的
layout – 佈局
“It’s up to you!” – 「你話事吧!」
licensed – 有牌的
registered – 註冊的
plumbing – 配管系統to go down the drain – 血本無歸
