Johnny (高思哲)

Hitting All The Right Notes

Are you guys big fans of music? Personally, I can't live without it!!! Not a day goes by that I don't have a CD spinning in my sound system音響系統).

Music is not only a medium(媒體)through which one can relax and be entertained使娛樂), but also something that we can draw inspiration(靈感)and learn from. I found this particularly true for this year's "English Made Easy" as a few of this season's themes(主題)were inspired by some of my favourite songs. As for the learning part, I'm sure that all of you have managed to pick up(學到)some new English words and phrases from Julio and Dino's wonderful renditions(演繹)of the tunes that I have chosen.

In my opinion, listening to music is one of the best ways to learn a new language because it keeps things lighthearted(輕鬆愉快的)and interesting. Even now, I continue to be pleasantly surprised by the number of website posts related to people asking for or providing translations of lyrics(歌詞)to songs in foreign languages. This goes to show that in addition to being an international language, music can also be a global channel(渠道)for communicating with others – very impressive indeed!

Apart from letting us learn new vocabulary, sometimes the lyrics of a song also deliver meaningful messages有意義的信息). And for me, that's what really constitutes a hit song(這才是一首真正的金曲). Whilst a catchy melody(易上腦的旋律)might be pleasing to the ears悅耳), it can become boring(or even annoying!)after a while, but a song with well crafted lyrics and a purpose(用意)is sure to stand the test of time經得起時間的考驗)!

In case you hadn’t realised yet, I did mention the word “CD” in the opening paragraph. Yes, call me old-fashioned, but I still have the habit of buying my favourite artists’ recordings and reading through the booklets that come with them. The reason for an album’s conception構想), as well as the acknowledgement(致謝)of those who should be credited(值得讚揚的)are often found here, and sometimes I find it a pity that digitisation(數碼化)is making us miss out on this aspect…

Remember to appreciate the heart and soul(心血)that musicians put into their work by respecting intellectual property copyright laws(尊重智識產權的版權法律)!!!

Vocabulary & Phrases

sound system – 音響系統
medium – 媒體
to be entertained – 使娛樂
inspiration – 靈感
theme – 主題
to pick up – 學到
rendition – 演繹
lighthearted – 輕鬆愉快的
lyrics – 歌詞
channel – 渠道;頻道
meaningful – 有意義的
message – 信息
to constitute – 構成
catchy – 易上腦的
pleasing to the ears – 悅耳
purpose – 用意
to stand the test of time – 經得起時間的考驗
conception – 構想
acknowledgement – 致謝
to credit – 讚揚
digitisation – 數碼化
heart and soul – 心血;全心全意
intellectual property – 智識產權
