Johnny (高思哲)

Keeping It Cool

This episode has got to be one of my most memorable on-set experiences in this season's "English Made Easy" as it was filmed entirely outdoors in the most unpredictable(不可預料的)weather imaginable...

It was close to going through all four seasons in one day – pretty crazy if you ask me! We were caught in heavy downpour(傾盆大雨)when filming the scenes requiring sunshine, and ironically(諷刺地), in those that needed rain, the sun came out and shone like there was no tomorrow(太陽拼命地曬著)!!!

Although it's quite normal to have these erratic(反覆無常的)weather patterns pass through during the summertime, have you all noticed that the weather has been doing some very bizarre(奇異的)things over the past few years?

Droughts(旱災)and floods(洪水)are becoming more frequent(頻繁的), and temperatures are asextreme andunstable as ever(史前未有的極端及不穩定)!

I believe that these are very clear signs(徵兆)of climate change(氣候變化)resulting from our wastefulconsumption(浪費性消費)of nature's precious resources(大自然的寶貴資源). It's high time we play our part to help cool down the planet(是時候我們幫地球降溫).

I'm not one to advocate(提倡)extreme behaviour so I won't ask you to turn into a vegetarian  overnight(隔夜變成素食者)or stop driving completely, but some compromise(妥協)is definitely in order –try offsetting(抵銷)your carbon emissions(碳排放)through small simple actions such as sorting recyclable rubbish(把可回收垃圾分類)and using your own drink bottle.

Finally, as the ambassador of an environmental organisation, it is my duty to remind you all to take it easy on the air conditioning this summer! Stick to opening windows and using electric fans unless air conditioner use becomes absolutely necessary – and even then, remember to keep the temperature at 25°C for minimal environmental impact(影響)!

Vocabulary & Phrases

unpredictable – 不可預料的
heavy downpour – 傾盆大雨
ironically – 諷刺地
(to do something) like there’s no tomorrow – 拼命地做某件事
erratic – 反覆無常的
bizarre – 奇異的
drought – 旱災
flood – 洪水
frequent – 頻繁的
extreme – 極端的
unstable – 不穩定的
sign – 徵兆
climate change – 氣候變化
wasteful consumption – 浪費性消費
nature’s precious resources – 大自然的寶貴資源
“It’s high time…” – 「是時候…」
to cool down – 使降溫
to advocate – 提倡
vegetarian – 素食者
compromise – 妥協
to offset – 抵銷
carbon emissions – 碳排放
recyclable – 可回收

impact – 影響;衝擊