Johnny (高思哲)

Off The Rails!!!

Our city's unique geographical location makes it easily accessible by air, land AND sea(香港的地理位置使它以海陸空也容易通達), which is probably why we have one of the best public transportation networks(網絡)in the world.

Buses, mini vans and taxis roam our roads, highways and tunnels, whilst trains and trams, which operate on rails, offer an alternative mode of transport(提供另一種運輸方法). And let’s not forget about the ferry which doesn’t only take us across the Victoria Harbour, but also to the Outlying Islands, Macau and nearby cities in Mainland China.

Apart from convenience, taking public transport can also be a source of unlimited(無窮無盡的)entertainment and surprises. Have you ever witnessed(目擊)any of the "Seven Wonders of Hong Kong's Transportation Scene" listed below?

  1. A bag taking up a vacant(空缺的)seat - presumably because it’s too exhausted from carrying its contents.

  2. A crowd of people rushing through the doors before other passengers have had a chance to get off – did the broadcast say “Please let passengers board first(請先讓乘客上車)”?

  3. A little girl eating a packet of chips and making a huge mess all over the place – seems that she’s misinterpreted(誤解)the no eating and drinking sign as “No Hamburgers and Soft Drinks Only”.

  4. A lady gossiping(閒聊)so loudly over the phone about last night’s mahjong game that everybody can hear her – we don’t really want to know how much you’ve won, unless you’re planning on buying us dinner!

  5. An otaku(宅男)playing video games on a portable device(手提儀器)without using headphones – I don’t think the old lady sitting next to you appreciates listening to gunshots and explosions while she’s reading her romance novel…

  6. A man with a sniffly(吸鼻涕的)nose coughing out loud without covering his mouth or wearing a mask – let’s just be optimistic and think “What doesn’t kill us will only make us stronger”(殺不掉我們的東西只會令我們變得更強)!

  7. A girl suffering from “Princess Syndrome” throwing a fit(發脾氣)while her feeble(懦弱的)boyfriend attempts to woo(懇求)her – have you any idea of what the word “humiliation”(羞辱)means? Please stop destroying the reputation(名譽)of the Hong Kong people by displaying such absurd behaviour in public!!!

It’s quite surprising to see how people can be so unruly(不守規矩的)and inconsiderate(不顧別人感受的)in a public environment. Let’s exercise a bit of self-control(自制)and prevent ourselves from becoming one of the above “Wonders”!

Vocabulary & Phrases

geographical location – 地理位置
accessible – 易通達的;易進入的
network – 網絡
alternative – 代替的;供選擇的
unlimited – 無窮無盡的
to witness – 目擊
vacant – 空缺的
to board – 登上(車,船,飛機等)
to misinterpret – 誤解
to gossip – 閒聊;散播流言蜚語
otaku – 御宅族
portable – 手提的
device – 儀器
sniffly – 吸鼻涕的
“What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.” – 殺不掉你的東西只會令你變得更強
to throw a fit – 發脾氣
feeble – 懦弱
to woo – 懇求;追求
humiliation – 羞辱
reputation – 名譽
unruly – 不守規矩的
inconsiderate – 不顧別人感受的
self-control – 自制
